
Se afișează postări din mai, 2012

Don’t look back and don’t wait for the future! NOW is the moment!

Most of the time we are waiting for something to happen, we are expecting our dreams to become true, to live our life as we imagined to do it. On the other hand, we are linked with our past failures, the experiences we had are holding us back, the negative feelings linked with one of the mistakes we did in the past is still coming back if you are remembering that mistake. This is the way you want your life to continue? Worrying for a future you don’t know or regretting the past you can not change? If not, stop worrying for the future and don’t live your past. The only moment that is counting is NOW. I’m not saying that you should stop making plans or erase your memories, not at all! But if you don’t start to live the present, your life will end waiting for a future dream. Here are some tips on how you can start live your life now: Be aware of this very moment. Are you staying at your office or laying on a couch? Start feeling the moment, be aware of you, of what i...

Învinge-ţi frica

Everything you can imagine is real.  Pablo Picasso Simţi uneori că un monstru furios ţ i s-a strecurat în stomac şi încearcă să strângă şi să întindă în acelaţi timp tot ce ai în interior? Sau ca picioarele ţi se înmoaie şi nu mai poţi face nici un pas mai departe? Frica este cea care te protejează în momentele în care viaţa îţi este în pericol. Ea îţi face corpul să reacţioneze sau să „îngheţe”, după caz, pentru a-ţi proteja viaţa. Este ca o gardă de corp de care ai nevoie pentru a supravieţui. Şi atunci, de ce să o învingem? Pentru că, uneori, frica te împiedică să mergi mai departe. Frica de necunoscut de exemplu, te poate opri să ajungi în locuri în care n-ai mai fost, să descoperi lumea aşa cum nu o ştiai dinainte. Cei mai mulţi oameni acceptă să-şi trăiască viaţa în zona lor de confort, fără nici un  efort de a ieşi de acolo, deoarece e comod să stai într-un mediu „călduţ” care îţi este cunoscut, şi cu bune si cu rele. Dar dacă ieşi din această zonă?! ...

What makes you happy?

Hmmm…. Interesting question. Can you answer right now? Probably not, or you will give some answers like: driving a strong car, eating a chocolate and so on. Yes these things are probably making you feel good; but not happy. Try to remember one of those moments when you were feeling that you are flying and everyone around was observing your happiness. What was it that was making you feel like this? For me, there are two situations when I arrive to this kind of spiritual wellness: a chieving a  result for which I was struggling a lot, investing a lot of effort to arrive to the proposed result and this was a highly wanted objective; hel ping others, making a positive impact on someone else. The second option for me is the one we should practice and the one could change the world in better. It is good for you and it is good for the ones you are helping. One of my favorite quotes is the one of Matahma Ghandi: “Eye for an eye will make the world blind”. But what if we c...