Help!!! I’m not a superwoman!?
Let me take you to a ride to an imaginary story... At work, you are trying to prove you are the best, to solve everything is expected from you and more beyond, to be the best in everything you do and manage all the situations with professional excellence. At home, you are trying to be the best mother and wife, the best support for your family, to show them that nothing is impossible for you when it comes to prove who are the most important people in your life. In your social life, you are showing to be a positive person, supportive to your friends, assuring them that you are there no matter what and that you can and will help them if they need you. And even if you are struggling to be the best in all the areas of your life, something is not good enough; you are not satisfied with the results. You don’t receive the positive feedback you are expecting or don’t achieve the objectives you proposed for yourself at work; because you work too hard, you have very limited time to...